
Dario Rodighiero

Dario Rodighiero Photo


mataLAB Harvard Director (US) - University of Groningen (NL)

Choreographic Interfaces - Science and Technology Studies


metaLAB Harvard

In 2022, metaLAB (at) Harvard presented Curatorial A(i)gents, an exhibition of machine-learning ex- periments with the Harvard Art Museums’ digital archive. This led to the creation of Surprise Machines, a visualization project that displayed the entire universe of the museums’ collections, and a choreo- graphic interface that enabled visitors to interact with the show’s projects via a dance vocabulary. Since then in project Data Sensorium, metaLAB has begun exploring how archives can be further en- gaged via the translation of datasets to movement scores. In this talk, principals Lins Derry and Dario Rodighiero discuss the research arc.


Dario Rodighiero is a researcher in knowledge design, critical data, and digital humanities, focusing on the digital mapping of scientific organizations and cultural institutions. He is an Assistant Professor of Science and Technology Studies at the University of Groningen, Principal at metaLAB (at) Harvard, and Faculty Associate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. Dario holds a Ph.D. from EPFL and has worked at institutions such as MIT and Sciences Po, lectured at CERN and Ars Electronica, and exhibited at MAXXI and Harvard Art Museums. His book Mapping Affinities explores scientific commu- nities from a design-driven perspective.