Letizia Bollini

associate professor - Free University of Bozen (IT)
Interaction / Communication Design
Architect, Ph.D. in Industrial Design and Multimedia Communication at the Milano Polytechnic, visiting scholar at the San Francisco State University. Associate professor of Communication/Interaction/Transmedia Design at the Faculty of Design and Arts of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano since 2020. Previously researcher/professor at the Department of Psychology of the Milano-Bicocca University and lecturer/contract professor at the Politecnico di Milano, the University of Bologna and the Milan State University, faculty member of the HEC in User Experience Design of the Politecnico di Milano, of the board of professor of the National Ph.D in Design per il Made in Italy: Identità, Innovazione e Sostenibilità and of the PhD in Pianificazione, Design e Tecnologia dell’Architettura, Sapienza Università di Roma. Since 1995 I’ve been working on multimodal user interfaces, interaction and user experience design, visual design, and socio-spatial representation, both as a researcher and as a designer with a strong focus on technologies evolution, the human-centered approach and accessibility. I’ve been a member of the AIAP (Italian Association for Visual Design) board, Italian representative at ICOGRADA (1999-09). I’ve been leading the commission Theoretical, historical, critical research and publishing projects (2017-21) of the ADI (Italian Association of Industrial Design) Design Index preselection of the Compasso d’Oro Award, and previously the Communication/Visual design commision (2011-16).